Our Mission

Hope + Healing

Our mission is to offer hope and healing through truth and connection to women suffering the destructive effects of emotional abuse and betrayal trauma.

Every person has the right to safety, honesty, connection and freedom.

Women are suffering in silence: feeling unsafe, feeling confused, feeling trapped and feeling isolated. It feels impossible to take a step in any direction and it feels like there is no where to go and no one that understands.

Safe connection is the pathway to healing. Affirming reality is a step towards awareness of limited beliefs and acknowledging the existence of unsafe, emotionally abusive relationships.

You are not alone.

Reclaim Your Moments. Reclaim Your Life.

If you are in a relationship that constantly leaves you
feeling confused, less than or dismissed, we believe there is hope and healing for you. We encourage you to consider meeting with our counselor to navigate your personal situation and what resources may be available. Our 20 minute phone call assessments are free, confidential, and there is absolutely no obligation.
Schedule Assessment
Confidential and Secure
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