Emotional Abuse 
Support Group

Reclaim Connection

Our Support Group

Reclaim Connection is our free weekly support group that focuses on emotional abuse to provide a safe place for women to meet, learn, and connect over the brokenness and devastation caused by varying forms of abuse and betrayal trauma.

The group is free, confidential, and similar in structure to Al Anon Family Groups. Someone will facilitate the meeting and participants are welcome to listen or speak as they choose during the discussion time.


Schedule Assessment to see if the group is right for you

You are not alone

Others are on the journey of reclaiming safety, connection, truth and freedom. You’ll discover that hope and healing come, sometimes quickly and sometimes slowly. You’ll come to realize there is no situation too impossible to improve and no grief too deep to recede. Over time as you keep an open-mind you will see the hope and healing that come from truth and connection.

Reclaim Your Moments. Reclaim Your Life.

If you are in a relationship that constantly leaves you
feeling confused, less than or dismissed, we believe there is hope and healing for you. We encourage you to consider meeting with our counselor to navigate your personal situation and what resources may be available. Our 20 minute phone call assessments are free, confidential, and there is absolutely no obligation.
Schedule Assessment
Confidential and Secure
You are not alone. Sign up for weekly encouragement.