
Break the cycle of abuse.

Donations to Reclaim change lives

Every dollar contributes to a personal story of discovery, healing and connection. Reclaim is committed to promoting women’s wellness and empowering women to reclaim their lives after the devastating and lasting effects of relational trauma. The pathway of healing is a long and strenuous journey. We hope to pave a way for others feeling isolated and alone so they too can reclaim their peace and reclaim their lives.


Reclaim is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.
No goods or services were provided by Reclaim in exchange for this contribution.

The impact of your giving.

When you donate to Reclaim you directly support our reclaim connection group & programing for the women & children we serve. 

Donations contribute to our free emotional abuse support group, community outreach efforts designed to reach more families and our ability to provide more scholarships for trauma informed counseling to impacted women and children. 

As part of Reclaim’s mission to provide healing & connection it is important that each person that walks through those doors feels safe, welcome & valued.  When a new person attends the free support group she receives a welcome packet including a foundational book on emotional abuse & healing along with other Reclaim resources. All Reclaim participants have access to our free lending library so they can continue to learn and heal at their pace.  

About the support group.

The free support group offers a safe and welcoming space for women to connect and learn from each other as concepts from  Reclaim approved literature are discussed with the group.  Reclaim offers free childcare as another way to serve families and encourage women to participate in the free support group. 

Reclaim is dedicated to reducing barriers for women & children seeking trauma informed counseling as part of their healing journey.  Our Reclaim Counseling Scholarship program allows women to pursue financial relief as they and oftentimes, their children, receive the care and support they need to heal.  

Reclaim offers trauma informed workshops designed to feature trauma related educational concepts, recovery tools and self regulation techniques.  Reclaim supports somatic experiences including breathwork, yoga and other forms of healing.  Reclaim is a place for women to grow, practice boundaries & skills and give back to those entering the trauma-recovery community.   

Scholarships Now Available

break the cycle of abuse

Become a monthly scholarship sponsor to support the Reclaim mission by providing increased access to trauma informed counseling & healing for these impacted families in need. 


Learn More about scholarships


“My Toxic relationship causes a great deal of stress, anxiety and hopelessness. Thankfully Reclaim exists to help women like me find myself again.  I seriously can’t imagine where I would be without the weekly support group meetings at Reclaim.”

“The one hour a week I get to spend at Reclaim is the only time I can let my guard down.  My head clears, and I feel completely understood and accepted.  Reclaim is the one thing that keeps me going during the week. I couldn’t make it without the love and support I receive from the other women.”

“Before coming to Reclaim I felt like I was all alone.  After coming for a few weeks, I finally feel like I have a community of women who understand what I have been going through.  I feel hope for my future for the first time in a long time.”

You are not alone. Sign up for weekly encouragement.