
Scholarships for transformative healing

break the cycle of abuse

The Reclaim Counseling Scholarship fund provides financial support to women & children seeking trauma informed counseling. The devastating effects of emotional abuse and relational trauma not only impact women, but also the children involved in these situations. As children receive support and increased understanding of the abuse dynamics and their value as individuals in this world we hope to break the cycle of abuse for future generations.

Become a monthly scholarship sponsor to support the Reclaim mission by providing increased access to trauma informed counseling & healing for these impacted families in need. 

Monthly Sponsorship levels

The Reclaim Counseling Scholarship package involves an application and review process.
Scholarships are awarded based on available scholarship funds. Please partner with us to ensure ongoing financial support is available to those seeking trauma informed counseling. 

Healing Hope

The Healing Hope Scholarship Sponsor provides a $50 reduction for one counseling session each month.

Fly Free

The Fly Free Scholarship Sponsor provides for a $50 reduction per session for up to six counseling sessions.

IMPORTANT NOTE: When you click the Donate Now button, you will be redirected to Paypal. Please include a note in the Paypal note section letting us know you would like to be a scholarship sponsor and include the donation amount based on the level you would like to sign up for.

The impact of your giving.

"I heard about Reclaim from a friend and finally attended the support group. I’ve been in a toxic marriage for 10 years and recently got divorced. I’m completely overwhelmed trying to figure out co-parenting and what my new normal will be. Honestly, I feel shell-shocked.  

Until coming to group I would have never considered my marriage emotionally abusive.  I didn’t know why I couldn’t sleep or why my heart would race out of my chest after talking to my ex.  After attending group a few times I reached out to see a Reclaim Counselor and got in right away.  Once I started seeing the Reclaim Counselor I realized how much I felt discarded and tossed aside.  I’m learning that I matter and I have a right to be treated respectfully.  Now I want to get my kids into play therapy because I’m starting to see the abuse cycle in our family and how it affects the kids. I feel so heavy and burdened but when I come to Reclaim i just feel lighter.

I’m starting to see the smallest glimpse of hope again."


"Having access to affordable counseling through Reclaim has been a game changer for me.  I am slowly rediscovering who I am and becoming a better me.  I don't know what I would do without my counselor."

“Reclaim has helped me work through the pain of betrayal trauma and emotional abuse that used to consume my life. Through weekly support group meetings and individual counseling at Reclaim I have experienced healing and growth that I never imagined possible.”

“Before coming to Reclaim I felt like I was all alone. After coming for a few weeks, I finally feel like I have a community of women who understand what I have been going through. I feel hope for my future for the first time in a long time.”

Reclaim Your Moments. Reclaim Your Life.

If you are in a relationship that constantly leaves you
feeling confused, less than or dismissed, we believe there is hope and healing for you. We encourage you to consider meeting with our counselor to navigate your personal situation and what resources may be available. Our 20 minute phone call assessments are free, confidential, and there is absolutely no obligation.
Schedule Assessment
Confidential and Secure
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